We are a 100% LAHAYAL association, operating for over 20 years
We receive hundreds of inquiries from soldiers in the field in challenging conditions with a shortage of life-saving equipment: first aid kits, tourniquets, medical knives, field treatment bandages, helmets and tactical equipment. In addition to that, we provide them with Jewish equipment such as tefillin, kippahs and more.
We need the resources to continuously help our soldiers in the field - and it will help us a lot to raise donations frequently.
The soldiers turn to us seriously and with repeated requests, and are waiting for this help. This is our opportunity to save soldiers and stand by the State of Israel in maintaining the security of the citizens and the Jewish state. This is life-saving equipment that makes the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

We are an association 100% LAHAYAL. The association was founded by Mr. Daniel Pinto about 20 years ago. Daniel is a Zionist at heart, originally from France. In the 1990s he immigrated to Israel and volunteered for the army. And since then he fell in love with the country and does everything he can to help and promote it. Mr. Daniel is connected to the chain of command in the army, and is directly connected to the needs of the soldiers in the field. Most of the association's activity began in 2006 - during the Second Lebanon War due to a family member of his who was inside Lebanon.
Following this - he began donating and raising donations for the soldiers' morale. And slowly he realized how much help and support is needed for those soldiers in times of war. The association is connected to the Jewish spiritual side, and combines spirituality with action in the field of the soldiers.
Support the activity, they need us.
The association is credited for tax benefits section 46
Pictures from our activities

France : +33 6 09 44 31 25
Israël : +972 54 452 00 48
Virement bancaires
BNP Paribas Paris Villette - Intitulé : KRAVI
Code Banque : 30004 - Code Agence : 00827 - Numéro de Compte : 00010079989 - Clé RIB : 42
IBAN : FR 76 3000 4008 2700 0100 7998 942
Mizrahi Bank Ltd - Netanya branch - Intitulé : Mea Ahouz LaHayal
Code Banque : 20 - Code Agence : 422 - Compte numéro : 029 003 - Code Swift : MizbilitEn